How to deal with imported package customs procedure
The YELLOW paperIf you get the "Yellow paper": Oznamenie o ulozeni zasielky = Package pickup notice, in your mailbox, it means you've got priority mail or a package. Both cases need to picked up in person with your ID at the nearest post office. To see where is located Post office closest to your place check link here:
Don't forget that if you ordered some merchandise from a website and chose payment method "at the pickup" post office associate will ask you to settle the invoice fist. |
The WHITE paper
If you get a "White paper": Postove oznamenie = Postal notice, from customs and you are expecting delivery from non EU country such as USA, Iceland or Norway, etc. You are subject to VAT and possibly also Import tax.
How it works? Packages in value not exceeding 22€ are free of VAT and Import tax. Packages in value between 23€ and 150€ are subject of VAT and free of Import tax. Packages in value exceeding 150€ are subject of VAT and also Import tax. Now as you received this notice, you need to reply to it. There are two possible events: Some relative send you a package - this case it NON COMMERCIAL and you need to claim it this way. For such case contact DILIO staff and we will provide you instructions for you individual case. Another case is COMMERCIAL - you ordered something. Compose email from your email account following this directions: copy-paste text below + attach receipt/invoice from the merchant and printscreen from your online banking /with filtered particular transaction/ proving that such amount was charged from a credit/debit card /currency does not matter/. Now the letter you received says you received it as of date XX.XX.XXXX and by law you have 20 days to fulfill you tax duty, therefore don't hesitate to send the email :) ---------------------------------- to: [email protected] subject: zasielka - skladove cislo XXXX (write here number found on your notice , above barcode - skladove cislo) text: Dobry den, reagujem na Postove oznamenie pre moju osobu z dna XX.XX.XXXX (write here date you see under POSTOVE OZNAMENIE ): (write here your first and last name), adresa: (write here your full address in Martin - Street, apt. number, postal code, town), skladove cislo: (write here the notice number, above barcode - skladove cislo). V prilohe Vam zasielam printscreen z mojho online bankingu s oznacenim tranzakcie prislusnej k predmetnej zasielke . Takisto Vam posielam aj prinscreen faktury ktoru mi poslali zo spolocnosti , u ktorej som si tovar objednal. Som zahranicnym studentom studujucim na lekarskej fakulte v Martine. telefonicky kontakt na mna je: XXXX-XXX-XXX (write here your Slovak cell phone number) moj email: (write here your email address) V pripade otazok mi prosim napiste email dakujem s pozdravom (write here your name) ------------------------------------ the email English translation is: Hello, I'm referring to Postal notice from the date: XX.XX.XXXX, your name, address, notice number. I'm attaching you printscreen of my online banking transaction and invoice received from the merchant. I'm medical student at JFMED in Martin. Should you have any questions please contact me via email Thank you sincerely your name |